NetFlow Simulation Library

  1. Table of Contents
  2. Overview
  3. This update package ships configuration files to generate VOIP payload traffic flows. The network diagram is as follows:

    and shows a branch office with multiple VOIP phones behind a Cisco C1921 branch router as is common in banks, retailers, brokers or any brick-and-mortar branch office where there are a lot of phones.

    Kibana is visualizing the simulated VOIP traffic between the many phones and the PBX through CUCM in the data center. Intensity of traffic can be customized at will to test detection of usage patterns and security risks.

  4. Prerequisites
  5. To run this simulation, you must have installed the optional NETFLOW module as documented in the NETFLOW Protocol Module Guide of the online documentation.

  6. Usage
  7. Compatibility
  8. Download the "Netflow Compatibility" update to view compatibility against third party applications.